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Never Far from Home

Jan 14, 2025

Jen MacAskill came on and shared some wonderful stories. She found the game young, with two brothers and a dad who played. Being the youngest, it made sense to her to pursue this game she saw for so long as a fan. She quickly found her love for the team, and always found herself wanting more at each crossroads....

Oct 23, 2024

SC Megale joined the show for a wonderful take on life. We dive into stories about her brief, but poignant, memories on the ice, and how so much of her love of adventure, sports, and everything in between, stemmed from her family. She tells of the schooling she has pursued, and the tales she has written herself. And of...

Oct 15, 2024

Kim McCullough was kind enough to spend an evening regaling me with a part of her tale, and we hope to link up again soon to finsh what we started. We dive into her upbringing in the Toronto area, and how she was a multi-sport athlete. Eventually, when the timing lined up, she found hockey and never looked back. Her...

Oct 9, 2024

Kelly Damphousse joins the show and immediately I knew our allotted time would not be enough. We dive into his history within the game of hockey, and he tells of how a young boy fell in love with the game whole-heartedly. That vey same young boy grew into a young man, and we talk about some finer points of life,...

Sep 4, 2024

Steven Barnes talks about how he first came to fall in love with hockey, as a teenager on a Canadian trip, but expresses how it took a few more years until he was able to come into playing more regularly. He found himself finally at the helm of a hockey career when he was in his twenties, and quickly found himself...